New book

Photo Nuts and Post is the third installation in the Photo Nuts series and it just launched!
Written by professional photographer, Neil Creek, it gives you the tools you need to make processing work for you. Even if you have experience in editing, you can always learn new tricks.
To celebrate, they are offering 33% off if you buy today -Click here to read more!

Thursday, November 8, 2012

A sure way to kill your business

Is this you?

You start a blog after planning and designing it for weeks. You are all pumped up and you start blogging every day. After a month, you start to lose your interest and the blogging starts slipping to three days a week. You know you have to blog to keep things fresh, but by the third or fourth month, you wonder if you are wasting your time because you really aren't seeing any results. By the fifth month, you don't even touch your blog.

Maybe you went the Facebook route and the first couple of months, you were excited because you know the Facebook will give you results. When you only see a couple of nibbles, you give up.

This is a BIG mistake

No matter what type of marketing you attempt, nothing will work immediately. I know everyone is used to instant results. Everything is fast paced on television, mobile phones, etc. Infomercials promise us instant riches with marketing magic. So why shouldn’t our marketing work just as quick?

In reality, people are bombarded with so much at once, it's hard for them to make a decision and most don't even know they need anything.

Why you should keep marketing

Let's take blogging for an example.

When you start a blog, here is what happens. Your first week, your blog is new. Nobody knows your blog exists. You start to post often and visit other blogs and comment.

After blogging for two months your blog starts to get few visitors. No sales yet.

By the third/fourth month, you start to get more visitors. Google starts ranking you higher and Facebook followers are recommending you. You get a couple of bookings. That's it? You decide to quit because it's not worth it.  Now, there's no more content coming in. Google drops your rank. Facebook fans stop recommending you.

 Your recognition is gone. Business is gone.

When you give up too soon, you’ve lost everything you worked hard to build up to that point. The only way to  succeed is to put a marketing tool in place, keep working on it, and evaluate it along the way to build your business.

Don’t stop– keep doing it.

Success doesn't happen over night. Only the businesses that keep at it succeed and the rest hang a going OUT of business sign on their doors.

Buy Photography Blogging Success


Veronica Lee said...

Very true! The novelty just runs out after sometime and it takes real effort to keep your blog going!

Great advice, Tess!

Meghana Hassan said...

Me being a starter, this was a perfect piece of advice....