New book

Photo Nuts and Post is the third installation in the Photo Nuts series and it just launched!
Written by professional photographer, Neil Creek, it gives you the tools you need to make processing work for you. Even if you have experience in editing, you can always learn new tricks.
To celebrate, they are offering 33% off if you buy today -Click here to read more!

Tuesday, April 10, 2012


Have you heard of Creative live?

If you haven't, you have got to try it out. In fact, other than being busy with weddings, I've been over at Creativelive soaking up their training. I've been learning things from Sue Bryce, Bambi Cantrell, Don Giannatti and other great photographers.


If you want to learn more about lighting, your camera, marketing and more and you are on a strict budget, I would suggest watching their online seminars. Now, there is a drawback if you don't want to give up a whole weekend, or week watching it, you can purchase them at a discount of $99, or $149 if you miss the discount time.

This week is The Fundamentals of Photography. I'm watching it right now as I type this!