New book

Photo Nuts and Post is the third installation in the Photo Nuts series and it just launched!
Written by professional photographer, Neil Creek, it gives you the tools you need to make processing work for you. Even if you have experience in editing, you can always learn new tricks.
To celebrate, they are offering 33% off if you buy today -Click here to read more!

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Getting ready for the holidays

This is the time of year when portrait photographers should start getting ready to cash in for the holidays. Most families are thinking about their holiday cards, family portraits used for Christmas presents, or even fun Halloween photos. Now is the time to run a promotion if you can.

But, what's the best promotion to do?

There really isn't a BEST promotion to do, but there are many promotions out there.

Offer a unique product

I always scan the internet for ideas around the holidays and then run a promotion that works for me. There are so many products out there these days that cater to photographers and that clients think are awesome. Incorporating a unique product in your promotion may get the business you want.

Mini sessions

Alot of photographers run mini sessions around the holidays. These are a fast way to get a bunch of sessions done in one day. I have never done one before, but I'm really wanting to do one! You can make it a themed session geared around the holiday, like a Halloween theme, for instance.

Portrait Party

Portrait parties are like mini sessions, except there is a hostess and they usually get their portraits for free in exchange for getting you clients.

Offer a free product

Offering something for free (that doesn't cut into your profit too much) is always a winner. If they want to get holiday cards, why not give half the cards for free?

There may be more ways to beat the competition out there for holiday clients. Feel free to let us know in the comment section!