New book

Photo Nuts and Post is the third installation in the Photo Nuts series and it just launched!
Written by professional photographer, Neil Creek, it gives you the tools you need to make processing work for you. Even if you have experience in editing, you can always learn new tricks.
To celebrate, they are offering 33% off if you buy today -Click here to read more!

Monday, May 30, 2011

I'm back!

I took a week off to get affairs in order AND I had major issues with one of my computers-the one that I keep my emails on. Big bummer. I think I got a virus and now I have no Internet on it. That is not cool when you have hundreds of emails saved and lots to send out. I'm still behind, so if you are waiting on a prize to be sent out, I have not forgotten you!

I do have some uber good news-I just rented a studio!!!

(doing the happy dance now-be glad you can't see me)

It needs some paint and stuff, but I really see the potential in it. It's a cute little house (I'm renting the upper part). It's owned by a super nice older couple and it's in a prime area.

Here is the front of it- I know, it's cute!

I love the photo opps outside, like this built in bench.

This is the main room where I will be shooting.

This is the viewing/meeting room.

I'm not sure yet what I want to do with this room. It's a three season room that might work for newborn photos. I like the wood walls.

I can't wait to fix up this bathroom.

This will be the prop room.

This will be the office-love the loft look.

It already has the tracking lights which is nice. My colors will be grays, blacks and a splash of pink. Oh yeah, I never showed you my new logo design that I went with. I changed from black and red to black and pink.

I will still have to put together new business materials and packaging.

I will post the before and after photos when I get done. We are thinking two weeks. Hopefully, you won't even recognize it!

I have decided that I will "work for props" for awhile to build up my supplies, so if you sell backdrops, newborn or other props and would like to advertise with me, send me an email!!

Also, because of the holiday, I will do this week's challenge tomorrow and announce the winner of last week's!

Have a great day off!


Tara said...

I am excited to see the before and after!

Brian Miller said...

woot...congrats on the studio!

Tiffany said...

WOW, nice studio. Can't wait to see the after! Following back!