New book

Photo Nuts and Post is the third installation in the Photo Nuts series and it just launched!
Written by professional photographer, Neil Creek, it gives you the tools you need to make processing work for you. Even if you have experience in editing, you can always learn new tricks.
To celebrate, they are offering 33% off if you buy today -Click here to read more!

Monday, March 21, 2011

Be different

With the photography industry flooded with photographers these days (a LOT of women are jumping into the photography business) you really need to think out of the box when it comes to standing out.

I do my share of web surfing on the topic "photographers". There are so many wonderful photographers out there right now. I started my photography business when it wasn't so saturated and it was easier to get clients. I am mainly a wedding photographer and in my area, there's a fair share of wedding photographers, but I still get lots of business. Why? Because I like to try to be different from the other photographers. One key point that makes me stand out is my price and what I offer.

My prices are very reasonable compared to my fellow photographers. Clients are drawn by my work and are thrilled to see what I charge. I also make things easy for me and the client by offering one package. Other photographers offer different packages at different prices, which is fine, but I hate to make a bride feel bad because she can't afford the bigger, more elaborate package. This is kind of my attitude towards the whole wedding event. I charge what I want to make, so I'm happy and the client is happy too.

So, am I saying that you should charge less to stand out? Not necessarily. What works in my part of the country may not work for where you live. Call around in your area and see what the most successful photographers are doing and try to do a bit different, or add something more. For example, if Joe's Photography is offering 12 free wallets with his senior session, offer the same, but ADD a free wallet tin.

People like to get their money's worth and they love free stuff. Think of something that other photographers in your area aren't offering and offer it to your potential clients. Just make sure you don't end up in the hole in the process. Look for products sold in bulk, like personalized flash drives, photo boxes, and wallet tins.

Personality can be what makes you stand out as well. You need to make them feel comfortable with you and they'll remember you for all future business. If they are wondering about family photos, talk to their kids too. If they are looking to hire you for a wedding, ask them where they met. Get them talking about themselves. They'll feel a connection with you and not know why!

Of course, you need to display your best work and style on your blog or site-you DO have at least one of those, right?? A potential client will be drawn to your style of photos over another photographer. So, that would be something that may set you apart from others.

Play around with ideas and try different things out. Hold a contest on Facebook. Visit daycare centers and offer a deal to take preschool spring photos at an affordable rate. The sky's the limit!

Come back tomorrow for an awesome vendor interview!


Megan said...

Love this post and I love that idea; go to daycares and ask to do spring photos.

Karen said...

I have learned so much from this blog! I would love to hear more about studio design.

Dave said...

Do you do interviews on baby photographers?

Angela@the crazyness that is me said...

Thanks for stopping by my little blog. Have just read your whole blog. Lots of great advice - great work.

Brian Miller said...

thanks for popping in today...good stuff...not much of a photog myself but love a good pic...and thepreschool idea is really cool...

Theodora Ofosuhima said...

Thanks for stopping by blog. I have to follow you because you know things about photography :)